Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out. - The Timekeeper (by Mitch Albom)
Why am I writing this at 12:30 am, curled up under my warm blanket on a cold winter night with temperature dipping below 5 deg Celsius, with my laptop at its rightful place, the top of my lap?
Do I have some unearthly revelation to make to at this unearthly hour that couldn't wait?
No, I am doing this simply 'coz I wanted to. I wanted to write something, anything, just to convince myself that I have not forgotten how to blog. Just to make myself remember that I own this tiny little place in the virtual world, a place where I can post my thoughts as and when I want to and not care about being judged. Its been a long time since I last posted, more than a year I think. In the meantime, I have missed this a lot as I have missed a number of things I love. I created this at a time when I was complaining that I had nothing to do. In fact, my first article was about not getting my joining & being depressed about that. But now that I have joined, and gone through a number of ups & downs after that I hardly ever got time to post. Quite a few times I would think of writing something, go on for a few lines and then stop. It seems that I have got so habituated to be on the move, that it has become difficult for me to stop for some time & relax. I guess that's where life brings everyone at one point of time. A point where you think, why am I running and where to! Because this is a race which never ends. You go from one pole to another, then you find another pole to run to. I don't know where my race will end.
But for now, I would like to keep running. Because this race, though tiring at times, has been quite interesting as well. And I will continue posting, or at least I'll try to & hope that's possible.